Ph.D Eladio Montoya’s Conference 6 marzo 2009
Yesterday, 5th of March, a new conference belonging to the Chemical Science and Technology Masters degree took place presented by Professor Eladio Montoya, under the title ” Prevención de la discapacidad mental por hipotiroidismo congénito en centroamérica. Proyecto Baluis-Salvany”.
Biochemistry Professor to the Universities of Cádiz and Valladolid, nowadays he works as a Physiology Professor in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Henares. In his extensive career he has stayed several times in the USA (Northwestern University Medicas School of Chicago y en el Department Cell Biology Baylor Uneversity in Houston) as well as diverse positions in the different universities he has worked in.
We should stress his research about the metabolic effects in the thyroid hormone and its regulation. Moreover, from 2002, he collaborates in cooperation projects with Nicaragua and El Salvador for the implementation of a neonatal diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism program.